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Please visit Mr. Jean David's website for more information on collages 
Quote from his website: 

"The Art of Feedback and Feedforward: 
the Technology of Collage"
"Collage is mental dynamite, liberating inhibited feelings, emotions, and inner thoughts, transposing and translating them into reality."
We will make collages in the mornings at the Retreats.  
Here are some collages I've made... 
The first one is normally posted at my gate in Yelapa, Mexico that's the reason why it looks a little faded. It is called: 'Love Is All You Need'.  
This one I've made to find out about my relationship with money... 
In 2012 I've made this money collage and only a few days later I've won $5000 from the CBS Radio 'Dial 4 cash'!! 
This is a partial picture of my collage 'Universe Within'... 
I am planning to give Satsang (Meeting in Truth) every Tuesday at my Casa del Cielo starting next November 2013. As Mooji says: "If you can give me your biography on a stamp and still have some space left, then I would love to meet you!" 
Here are some collages Yves Dore made for me: 
Der Spiegel - Der Macher der Illusionen  
(The Mirror - The Maker of Illusions) 
And his 'Collage of God'  
ah, one look at the fine details! Yves 'Collage of God' with open flap!  
It is amazing to me what collages reveal about your self! And it is so much fun to make them. I have encouraged my friends over the years to make collages to get some clarity about themselves or to make one for friends. Be surprised! 
Bring some old magazines for collage making to the Retreat! 
In Love and Oneness 


(c) Angelika Linke - Made with the help of
Last modified on 15.10.2023
- Already 7240 visits on this website!